Saturday 3 September 2011

New decklist plus September 2011 discussion

Hello everyone, I am back to write about some new things; such as my new deck and what I think of the new format for fall/winter 2011. My deck that I currently play is a Tengu/Junk/Plant deck (I know YGO taxonomy is quite the failure) with my own flavour. For the first tourament of the new format, I went 3-1 with the deck; coming so so close to victory but losing to that one key card type of thing, it was a great match nonetheless as it made me think alot. Also I had another strenuous duel for a Tour Guide from the Underworld, which I managed to win. I guess my wins matter and I am happy that I worked for them. But rambling aside, the deck was very consistent beating Monarchs, Gravekeeper's, and Agents. The "plant" deck has a really become a misnomer now I think; the engine was hit by the banlist and now the plays you have to make with the deck will either make or break or the deck, because you are left with one Pot of Avarice and Lonefire Blossom... ouch!

Here is my decklist:

x1 BLS Envoy
x3 Tengu
x1 Gorz
x2 Ryko
x1 Sangan
x2 Junk Synchron
x2 Doppelwarrior
x1 Lonefire
x1 Dandyion
x1 Spore
x1 Glow up Bulb
x1 Card Trooper
x1 Debris Dragon
x1 Effect Veiler

x1 Gold Sarc
x2 Pot of Duality
x1 Pot of Avarice
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Dark Hole
x2 Enemy Controller
x2 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Foolish Burial
x1 One for One
x1 Mind Control

x2 Call of the Haunted
x1 Mirror Force
x1 Solemn Judgment
x1 Solemn Warning
x1 Torrential Tribute
x1 Trap Dustshoot

***I am working on the extra deck currently, and I do not reveal my side deck***

The deck is differently a bit more awkward to play now and I am still getting used to it, I am trying to move away from Junk and Doppel to Tour Guides when I can afford it, because the risk of drawing Doppelwarrior dead can hurt the deck's playability. The deck can't herp derp like it used to, but it definitely has some tricks in the bag. The deck is able to push damage and slow the game's tempo down with floaters like Tengu. I can also combo my floaters with Enemy Controller to make synchro plays or push damage. Now that I can play the game slower, I am able to use cards like Gold Sarcophagus and Pot of Duality to fish for game-ending cards like BLS - EOTB. Now that Heavy Storm is back, I can play a more agressive and open game dropping synchros periodically while poking for damage with floaters that opponents do not want to waste their resources on. Trap Dustshoot is also a viable card now so it helps the deck in a crucial way, I feel these types of decks strive for early game information alot more than control decks. Aggro decks can not hide and answer everything, they have to bait out answers and come out on top with the right plays and know when exactly they can be executed without interruption. The deck adjusts nicely to the current meta and I think its a viable deck until we see Dark World and Rescue Rabbit approach our meta.

Looking at the format and analysing it currently, the game has changed massively in how it's played. Reading your opponent is more valued now, and playing around cards is alot more valued as well, unlike playing into cards knowing you can pack a Seven-Tools or a Dark Bribe incase all else fails. Basically, risk versus reward is more prominent. The good players will take the right risks and get rewarded greatly all due to the timing of cards and gathering of information. I feel this format will finally reward conservative play all because of the rise Heavy Storm. Some will think otherwise but I think aside from all the rage of getting Stormed and losing we can all appreciate that Storm brings back conservative play and makes the player think twice about overextension.

I feel the best decks will be Agents, "Plant" Synchro, Machina Gadgets, and X-Sabers when YCS rolls around, they have a perfect balance of control and aggression and aside from plants these decks didnt get hit all too much by the newest banlist. I think Dark World will come to power but we will have to see what the future brings. Look out for Tour Guide from the Underworld, Rescue Rabbit, Grapha, Dragon God of the Dark World, and Evolkaiser Ragia in the future. The meta is ever changing and I feel this is just the calm before the storm. And if you want to have results this format, test and test! research the up and coming and the current. This format will reward smart play trust me on this and the only way to survive is to adapt obviously. This is Eric Niemi signing out! shout out to Team Wreck and my youtube channel ddt331!